How to Obtain: Once you finish the Dark Brotherhood Quest "Mourning Never Comes" by killing Nilsine Shatter-Shield, you will receive this ring as a reward. If you still can't steal it, remember that you can put buckets on NPCs heads and they can't see you. If you are having a hard time stealing the ring, try leveling your sneak skill. The ring is behind the stall, you have to unlock two things to get to it. How to Obtain: This ring must be stolen during the "A Chance Encounter" quest. How to Obtain: You will be rewarded this ring during the "Calcelmo's Ring" quest. Location: This ring is located at the Karath's Market Stall in Markarth. How to Obtain: After completing The "Bonds of Matrimony" quest you will receive this item. Location: This ring is found in the Temple of Mara, Riften. 25 carrying capacity will be added to your inventory as well. How to Obtain: When you meeet the drunks during the "Drinking Companions" quest, offer them a bottle of Honningbrew Mead. How to Obtain: Quest reward from the Daedric Quest, "Discerning the Transmundane." How to Obtain: On the corpse of Yisra during the Lost Apprentices: Yisra (Miscellaneous objective). How to Obtain: Waterfall in Deppwood Vale Summit, near the upper level of Vale. How to Obtain: To get the Targe of the Blooded you must kill Umana the adventurer. Then go to Winterhold and speak with any elf in town

How to Obtain : After you complete the quest, "The Black Star," you can get the Azura's Star repaired to an Unlimited Soul Gem or an unlimited Dark Soul Gem. Location: Broken Azura's Star found at Ilinalta's Deep, West of Riverwood. How to Obtain : An Arch-Mage will give it to you during the College of Winterhold quest "Good Intentions". Item skill bonus: 10% Decrease Cost of Destruction Magic and +10% Sneak

How to Obtain: You can get the Nightweaver's Band after completing "Recipe for Disaster" quest. Here are the most rare and valuable items in Elder Scrolls V Skyrim along with their locations and how to obtain each one.